Andor Lilienthal
Andor Arnoldovich Lilienthal was a Hungarian and Soviet chess player. In his long career, he played against ten male and female world champions, beating Emanuel Lasker, José Raúl Capablanca, Alexander Alekhine, Max Euwe, Mikhail Botvinnik, Vasily Smyslov, and Vera Menchik.
स्रोत: विकिपीडिया और पढ़ें
Andor Lilienthal द्वारा जीती गई प्रतियोगिताएं
प्रतियोगिता | वर्ष | स्थान |
1940 USSR Chess Championship | 1940 | Moscow |
Ujpest | 1934 | Ujpest |
जन्म:: 05 मई 1911
मृत्यु: 08 मई 2010