Elisabeth Paehtz
Elisabeth Pähtz is a German chess Grandmaster. She has been among the strongest German female chess players since her youth. In 2002, Pähtz became the World Youth Champion of the girls' under-18 age group, and in 2005, the World Junior Girls Champion. She won the 2018 European Women's Championship in rapid chess. In 2021, she scored what was reported to be her third grandmaster norm; however, the validity of one of her earlier presumed norms was in doubt. After a lengthy process, FIDE made an individual decision on her case in December 2022, making Pähtz the first German woman to earn the FIDE title of Grandmaster (GM).
Elisabeth Paehtz:n voittamat turnaukset
Turnaus | Vuosi | Sijainti |
Tallinn Rapid | 2009 | Tallinn (Estonia) |

Niki Riga
Syntynyt: tiistai 8. tammikuuta 1985