Trade and protect
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As with captures, not every trade that wins material is good. In this level, there are multiple winning trades available, but only one of them is actually winning.
The white bishop on d3 is insufficiently protected and can be captured by the black knight or queen. 1...Nxd3? allows Rxd4, so the correct move is 1...Qxd3, running away from the rook's attack. White can now capture the queen with 2.Qxd3, but Black can recapture with 2...Nxd3 and has won a bishop.
The black bishop on c3 is insufficiently protected, allowing a winning trade with Qxc3 or Nxc3. However, Nxc3? allows Qxa1, therefore the correct move is 1.Qxc3, x-ray protecting the rook on a1. If black plays 1...Qxc3, white can recapture with 2.Nxc3.
How to spot good and bad trades
After finding and evaluating your winning trades, visualize the resulting positions and see if your opponent can make any winning captures in turn.