Run away and protect

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Run away with your attacked piece and keep your other pieces protected

In this level, again your opponent is attacking one of your pieces. You must run away with your piece to a safe square.

This time, more than one safe square is available. Some of the squares may allow your opponent a different winning capture, and only one of the squares is good.


White is attacking the queen on e3 with the rook on f3.
The queen can run away to the safe squares e2, c5, b6, and a7.
However, the queen is also protecting your rook on e4, which is attacked by White’s queen on b1, and you must keep that protection.
Therefore, the only good move is 1...Qe2.

How to spot good and bad safe squares

Combine what you learned in previous levels:
Spot all attacks of your opponent.
Find the safe squares, and visualize the resulting positions to find any additional threats that you have to defend against.