
Rank Name Attempts Accuracy Rating Rating change
Retr0 68 97% 3005 105
Marcaris 43 100% 2726 395
Darío Alzate 196 58% 2668 40
4 JerukInPeace 64 93% 2562 1162
5 MH275 370 89% 2541 184
6 Jesse Bannister 91 74% 2442 -459
7 Fritz 76 27% 2419 -4
8 батлхагва 34 94% 2408 260
9 Akul Chhillar 500 53% 2386 217
10 Bart 91 83% 2369 969

Player must have at least 30 attempts. Tied by number of attempts.

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