Puzzle Academy Update: New Levels, Updated Guides, and More
Guides Updated with Insight from my new book "Beginner Chess Puzzles"
As part of this update, many of the guides included with Puzzle Academy have been revised based on the key improvements and insights from my upcoming book Beginner Chess Puzzles, set to release on November 12th in bookstores and online. You can read more about the book on the landing page.
Improved puzzles with version 3 of the puzzle algorithm
Many puzzles have been updated to version 3 of our puzzle algorithm. The new algorithm considers multiple reply moves, and shows multiple variations in the solution view. This is especially useful in cases where the defender has an option to lose material, or allow a checkmate. In this case, algorithm 3 choses the "critical" variation, which it considers to be the most difficult for you while solving the puzzle. You can read more about the improvements to puzzles made by version 3 in this blog post.
Tactics: Unpinning, Level 3
In the "Tactics" course, there is a new level three in "Unpinning". Use your opponent's pin to your advantage by moving with the pinned piece. Level 3 includes puzzles with four moves. Here is a nice example:
I don't want to spoil the solution here - click the diagram to solve this puzzle.
Combinations: Capture defender of Skewer, Level 2
In the "Combinations" course, I've added level two for the "Capture defender of skewer" skill. This is a combination where you capture a piece that defends a square where a skewer can be played. Level two contains puzzles with four moves.
Black can win by capturing the knight defending f6 with 1...Nxd5 2.exd5 and then luring the queen to d4 with the trade 2...Nxd4 3.Qxd4 and finally playing the skewer 3...Bf6.
Checkmate Patterns: Dovetail mate, Level 4
In the "Checkmate Patterns" course, there is a new level 4 in "Dovetail mate". Here is a typical example of a combination leading to a dovetail mate:
Click the diagram to solve this puzzle. Here is another fantastic example:
Click the diagram to solve this puzzle. The legendary Judit Polgar was 16 years old when she played this beautiful combination!
Checkmate Combinations: Open line to guard escape square, Level 1
In the "Checkmate Combinations" course, there is a new skill: Open line to guard escape square. With this combination, you force your opponent to capture one of your pieces, opening a line for another piece to guard an escape square. Here is an example from level one:
Note that 1.Bh7+? would not be checkmate, because the king can still escape to h8.
Jan-Krzysztof Duda played the spectacular queen sacrifice 1.Qxh6!!, threatening checkmate on g7 and h7.
If Black captures the queen with 1...gxh6, the diagonal from d4 to h8 is opened for the bishop to guard the escape square h8.
2.Bh7# is now checkmate.
Defence: Defend piece and avoid mate, Level 2
In the "Defence" course, I've published level two for the skill "Defend piece and avoid mate". In this level, you have to defend an attacked piece and avoid getting checkmated in two moves.
The black queen is attacked by the rooks. There are two safe squares: h7 and f7. If Black plays 1...Qf7?, White can checkmate with 2.Qh8+ Qg8 3.Qxg8#. Therefore 1...Qh7 is the only correct defence.
Attacking: Weak Back-Rank, Level 2
In this skill, you can exploit the weak back-rank of your opponent by forcing checkmate or winning material. This is a situation which benefits a lot from the improvements made by version 3 of the puzzle algorithm. All puzzles in level one were updated to the new algorithm, and a new level two was added. In this level, the threat of back-rank mate leads to checkmate or a winning material advantage in three moves. Here is a typical example:
Black can exploit the weak back-rank and capture the rook with 1...Qxe6!. If White recaptures the queen with 2.Rxe6, Black can deliver back-rank checkmate with 2...Rc1+ 3.Re1 Rxe1#. If White does not recapture, Black is a rook up.
Here is a more sophisticated exampled:
Click the diagram to solve.
Experience the Latest Updates and Share Your Thoughts
I hope you're as excited as I am about these updates and new additions to Puzzle Academy. Whether you're looking to sharpen your tactics, explore new combinations, or test your checkmate skills, there's something for everyone in this update. Don't miss out on the enhanced learning experience powered by our newest puzzle algorithm.
Ready to dive into the new content? Visit Puzzle Academy today and start solving! For those looking to deepen their foundational understanding, don't forget to check out my upcoming book, Beginner Chess Puzzles, available on November 12th in bookstores and online.
Your feedback is invaluable in making Puzzle Academy the best learning resource for chess enthusiasts. I'd love to hear your thoughts! Feel free to reach out through our contact page.
Thank you for your continued support, and happy solving!

tiistai 5. marraskuuta 2024
Martin Bennedik
Founder of ChessPuzzle.net, International Correspondence Chess Master
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