Defend against promotion

Lerne dieses und viele weitere Motive
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Puzzle Academy

Protect the promotion square to prevent promotion

In this level, your opponent is threatening to promote a pawn on the next move.

How can you defend against this kind of threat?
There are two main ways to defend against promotion:

  1. Protect the promotion square.
  2. Block the promotion square.

In this level, you must protect the promotion square.


White is bishop and pawn up, but Black has a passed pawn threatening to promote.
The only way to stop the pawn is to play Kd2, and protect the promotion square.

Rooks and queens can stop a passed pawn from behind:

Black is threatening to promote the passed pawn with c1=Q.
The only way to defend is to play Rc6, x-ray protecting the promotion square with the rook.

White is up bishop for pawn, but Black has a passed pawn threatening to promote with a1=Q.
The only way to prevent the promotion is to play c4, clearing the way for the bishop e5 to protect a1.

Related motifs

Protect promotion square
Block promotion square