Abzugsschach für Matt (2 Züge)

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A discovered check is a move by one piece that reveals a check by another piece.


When you play a discovered check, your opponent has to parry the check first, and often cannot deal with the discovering piece at the same time. This gives the discovering piece a "free" move, where it can go to squares where it could otherwise be captured. In "Discovered check" you used the free move with the discovering piece to attack and win material. The free move can also be used in a direct attack on the king to force checkmate.


White can win with the discovered check Ne7+.
Black has to deal with the check first, and is unable to capture the knight.
White uses the free move with the knight to guard the escape squares g8 and g6.
Black resigned, because after the only possible move Bf3, White can checkmate with Rxf3#.

White can win with the discovered check Ne6+.
Black has to defend against the check first, and cannot capture the knight.
White uses the free move with the knight to attack g7.
If Black replies Kh7, White can checkmate with Qxg7#.
Black could also sacrifice the queen with Qg5, but that wouldn't change anything, as the same mate would follow after Qxg5 Kh7 Qxg7#.

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