Blockiere das Schach

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Puzzle Academy

Block the check

In this level, your king is in check.

How can you defend against this kind of threat?
There are three ways to defend against check:

  1. Escape with the king to a "safe square", where the king is no longer in check.
  2. Block the check.
  3. Capture the piece giving the check.

In this level, you must block the check.

Blocking the check means that you put one of your pieces between the piece delivering check, and your king.


This is possible only if the piece delivering check has a long-range attack. This means the piece delivering check must be a queen, rook, or bishop. It cannot be a pawn, or knight (and it is impossible for a king to deliver check).


The black queen on e2 delivers check to your king on g2.
The king could escape to g3, g1, or h1.
However, the black queen is also attacking your unprotected bishop on e3.
Therefore, blocking the check with 1.Bf2 is the only good move, because the bishop on f2 is then protected by the king.