Vukovic mate (1 move)

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In Vuković's mate, a rook checkmates the king on the edge of the board. The rook is next to the king, and a knight behind the rook prevents the escape.


This checkmate pattern is named after Vladimir Vuković, who discussed this in his book "The Art of Attack in Chess".


White can deliver Vuković's mate with Re7#. The rook is protected by the pawn on d6.

Black can give Vuković's mate with Rg2#. The rook is protected by the bishop on h3.

Pattern matching

This does happen usually in endgames with an unprotected king.

Related patterns

In Anastasia's mate, the rook gives checkmate, and the knight guards escape squares in a different pattern. In Arabian mate, the rook gives checkmate, and the knight protects the rook.