Puzzle Inception

欢迎来到 Puzzle Inception,这是一种刺激的模式,模拟了真实棋局的不确定性!

在这种模式下,你将通过选择 "白胜", "白优势", "平衡", "黑优势" 和 "黑胜" 来评估位置。 有些位置有战术,而有些则没有,所以你无法提前知道是否存在战术。 这增加了一层现实感,因为在真实的比赛中,你并不总是知道是否有战术。


Puzzle Inception 训练了诸如位置评估和战术警惕性等基本的棋类能力。

开始解题 Read the blog post

Update on difficulty:
Thank you for playing the beta version!
Evaluation puzzles now have rating estimates.
The difficulty of the puzzles you play will be matched with your rating.
Puzzle Inception beta is recommended for players who are comfortable with challenging chess puzzles or with a rating of at least 1600 (tournament player).
For more information about ratings, you can read this blog post.