
Rank Name Puzzle Climb Attempts Accuracy Rating Rating change
Rob Ordish 1319 77% 2567 1167
David Burnier 44 65% 2559 146
Darío Alzate 247 56% 2550 -165
4 gunmaster222 43 86% 2504 1104
5 farajkh 275 63% 2494 610
6 Falsens 115 74% 2325 925
7 Franck 311 53% 2320 -56
8 MandyHernandez2020 231 96% 2314 87
9 Mike Rhodes 53 67% 2308 2
10 Raihaan 86 30% 2277 82

Player must have at least 30 attempts. Tied by number of attempts.

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